Saturday, August 20, 2011

Will Yerbouti Be Exploited?

WACCA JAWACCA:  In breaking news, Colonel Gnu Gobangbang, interim chief of the Combined Defense Forces of Yerbouti has released photographs of officer candidates on patrol with their French Foreign Legion trainers.  Spirits are high as they trudge through the sands of the desert, grasses of the savannah and forest of the forest helping to secure their country and countrymen from the recent wave of violence that has threatened Yerbouti, and learning on the job at the same time. 

The neat lines of the patrol strung out in the desert waste.

Two of our officer candidates on patrol.

"The men of the CDF are excited to do exercises while contributing to the overall security of their homeland," explained Major Claude Roquefort, commander of the FFL troops in Yerbouti.  "And I even believe they would fight if they had to," he added hopefully.  "Of course they would fight," Interim President General Robert Aygotcha interjected.  "If they don't, the sissy girlie-men will not like the consequences.  Death in battle would be preferable."

In other news, Ai'tok U'lisn, Yerbouti's Foreign Minister, revealed that the government has entered into negotiations with the United States and Great Britain for a geologic survey team to explore Yerbouti for any mineral wealth that might be used to boost its economy.  The team is expected to begin its survey in the next several months.  A foreign scientist involved in the negotiations confided, "If we can find a way to exploit Yerbouti, we will."

This has been another update from "What's Happening in Yerbouti?" coming at you from Wacca Jawacca.

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